Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Power of the Spoken Word

Sometimes too many synchronicities occur to simply write them off as coincidences. I'm trying to finish a circle with this.

Monday, October 16, 2006

hair cuts

this has got to be my fastest turn-around time yet.. penciled + inked last night.. loaded today! I'm super woman.. which reminds me.. the other night i had a dream where i made out with superman.. yep- i'm a geek :D

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Stupid Teapots

Ah the single life... I'm not really this bitter though- honest!

Jenny Style

Jenny does mad comics- follow her link at right to see for yourself!

Deep Cove

I'm almost out now.. One more load of furniture to my new place! But there's things I'll miss about D.C. Like watching an old guy driving down the road on a tractor with his turn signal going- forgotten.. and likely to stay going until the next time he makes a turn...


since this comic, he came home and seems to be healing. I'm glad.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Journey to Rose Harbour

This summer I spent time in the Queen Charlotte Islands. It seems appropriate in an environment so rugged, that the inner self should feel it too. An amazing journey.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Check it: Now it has the missing page 3. I blame all the mucous in my head right now for the omition.
Diversity Music Festival: A fabulous time! I'm proud of the crowd scene- if you were there, see if you can find your representation.
(you don't think you have much material until you start scanning it all)

Top Marine Predators

For Mariken who just got hit by a van the other night (she's fine mostly). It does make it harder for me to whine,"I'm sick"..."Yeah? I just got hit by a van." touche.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Strange New Cottage on Hornby


From a conversation with a longtime friend. People are weird.

Age before beauty

Here's an older one based on a conversation i heard walking down the street. One of those moments that just crytalizes and bears repeating.. but seldom is.